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Independance Hall

Nations in Action is committed to empowering families and strengthening communities. We tackle problems at their core with urgency and precision. Our deep expertise in government affairs enables us to support families through investigative journalism, research, and strategic partnerships. We focus relentlessly on maximizing impact.

Our dedicated team, composed of passionate and talented volunteers, works tirelessly to expose the corrupt Shadow Government thorough investigations. Simultaneously, we offer practical solutions and strategy kits to empower individuals to take action. Our approach is founded on our Four Pillars to a Civil Society: Transparent Government, Trustworthy Politicians, Transformative Parties, and Truthful Media.

Join us in our next phase as we develop and implement national grassroots advocacy teams to drive effective action and ensure success.

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Four Pillars to a Civil Society
Nations in Action is grounded by our work to strengthen the four pillars to a civil society: Transparent Government lead by Trustworthy Politicians who follow the platform of Transformative Parties and are held accountable by Truthful Media keeping citizens informed. 
Transparent Government
Trustworthy Politicians
Transformative Parties
Truthful Media

NIA's sources provide information of election theft on a global scale. Nations In Action is the only organization to reveal the corruption that undermines the sovereignty of nations around the world.

Mount Rushmore

The Voice for the American Family

Working for the success of our nation's families by advocating for government accountability, transparency, the rule of law, and the Godly principles upon which our great nation was founded.


Defend Medical Rights

Nations in Action offers expertise to communities and local leaders determined to protect their residents’ medical rights from onerous vaccine mandates.

Protect Election Integrity

Representative democracy will not long endure unless our elections are transparent, secure, and auditable. We spearhead efforts around the country to audit election systems and provide solutions that better protect future elections.

Stop Government Corruption

Government corruption is the single greatest threat to the individual liberties of citizens around the globe. Nations in Action is a global leader in developing solutions for eliminating government corruption.

COVID Protest
We are always looking for patriots to join our movement.   

NIA relies on patriots like you to advocate for government transparency and accountability.

We need your skills to advance our message and stand up for our nation.

Our Top Priorities 


Public servants work for We the People and it is abundantly clear that without transparency; fraud, corruption, and utter lawlessness become the norm. We demand transparency from local, state, and federal government alike.


What happened to the rule of law? We the People watch as government workers have lied under oath, targeted individuals, and engaged in corruption yet never is anyone held to account.

Fraud, Waste & Abuse

Have you heard about the $600 toilet seat and the trips to Hawaii or the lobster dinners, special health insurance plans, and conferences at luxury hotels? Congress is spending OUR money to live large while many Americans struggle.

Nations In Action

PO Box 4241

Lantana, FL 33465

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Nations In Action is a 501(c)(4) nonprofit. All donations are not tax-deductible.

Copyright © 2024 Nations In Action – All Rights Reserved.

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