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SECRETS OF THE UNITED NATIONS / Oligarchs Own The U.N. with Former UN Executive Director Călin Georgescu and Reiner Fuellmich, Stop World Control Edit

SECRETS OF THE UNITED NATIONS / Oligarchs Own The U.N. with Former UN Executive Director Călin Georgescu and Reiner Fuellmich, Stop World Control Edit

The United Nations are currently rolling out Agenda 2030, with the notorious “sustainability goals”. This worldwide project aims to completely transform every aspect of human existence: food, sexuality, family, work, finance, health, education, everything! This will supposedly put an end to poverty, hunger, inequality, sickness, and other bad things. A former executive director who worked at the UN for two decades, tells a different story. He explains that the UN is controlled by criminals who use it to enrich themselves, and enslave humanity.
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