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Our Solutions 

Maria Zack and the volunteers at Nations in Action bring extensive experience in government affairs, lobbying, and law writing, providing a unique perspective and skillset to address the persistent issues within the United States government. This background uniquely equips them to advocate for political, legislative, and party-level solutions, ensuring society benefits from a transparent government, trustworthy elected officials, and transformative political parties.


4 Pillars to a Civil Society

Nations In Action is grounded by our work to strengthen the four pillars to a civil society: Transparent Government lead by Trustworthy Politicians who follow the platform of Transformative Parties. A Truthful Media is essential in keeping citizens informed and officials accountable. Our solutions kits address the fundamental issues in each of these four pillars so they may sustain a civil society.

Transparent Government 


Public Servants work for We The People. Without government transparency it is abundantly clear that fraud, corruption, and utter lawlessness become the norm. Our mission is to promote values and virtues in all actions, especially in government. For local, state, and federal government we demand:


  • ACCOUNTABILITY: Full open records, expenditures with corresponding politicians’ names, accountability through audits of who received the people’s money, and was the job completed.


  • TRANSPARENCY: Real time detailed accounting of every dollar: who requested it, who allocated for it, who received it, and how was it spent. The over-classification of documents must be abolished.


  • CONSTITUTIONAL: Spending and performance evaluation by ending the weaponization of department funding and programs.

To achieve fairness, trust, and reduced taxation, our solution kits advocate for:


  • Mandatory Employee Affidavits

  • Accountability & Transparency Act

  • Repeal Patriot Act & Smith-Munth Act

  • End Property Tax Solution (disrupter)

  • End Foreign interference in US Elections

  • End Weaponization of government and agencies against the citizens.

  • Prosecute Corruption



Trustworthy Politicians 


Is there still a rule of law? Are we, the people, helplessly witnessing government workers lying under oath, targeting individuals, and engaging in corruption without consequences? Will anyone be held accountable? Nations in Action has devised accountability measures to ensure that elected officials uphold honesty and work on behalf of the people they represent.


These measures entail NIA-led public inquiries for constituents and investigative reports on suspicious activities such as sweetheart deals and contracts awarded to friends and family. Factors like character, integrity, unregistered lobbying, voting records, and the alignment of campaign promises with actions taken must all be scrutinized. Voters deserve the truth and must possess all the facts before making an informed decision at the ballot box.


Trustworthy politicians must be vetted and evaluated with the following solutions:


  • Honorability Assessment & Litmus Test

  • Performance Appraisal Trials

  • Caucus Reforms

  • PAC Reforms


By evaluating elected officials through the following lenses, we will secure a transparent, moral, and values driven government:


  • Godly Actions: Measure priorities and actions; truth, character, and integrity issues; prevent self-serving benefits in the financial, self and family, and job/business areas.

  • Constitutionality: Expose legislative votes, spending and actions; illegal actions.

  • Party Platform Adherence: Legislative priorities.

  • Prevent Corruption: Immediate exposure.



Transformative Parties 


The rules and resolutions of the party infrastructure must be reformed to ensure the apparatus functions legally and true to the intent of the party. Candidate selection to implement and abide by the party platform is critical. To ensure a transparent and principled government, both parties must address:


  • Ballot Access Reforms

  • Platform Adherence and

  • Officer’s Transparency

  • Caucus & PAC Requirements

  • Performance Appraisal for Party Officers.


All party participants must adhere to the following corrective and preventive actions. Failure to comply demonstrates contempt and a willingness to engage in nefarious activities.


  • Platform: Godly principles, aid family success, and freedom for all.

  • Rules: Prevent infiltration, reprimand and remove corrupt members, ensure adherence to platform or removal from party.

  • Resolutions: Must be loud and proudly crafted educational and action filled decrees.



Truthful Media 


Media outlets prioritizing corporate interests over the public good transform into propaganda machines rather than sources of unbiased reporting. Global media should offer impartial and informative coverage, yet citizens are receiving censored and sensationalized narratives designed to evoke fear. Truthful stories that do not align with the ideologies of media conglomerates are deliberately marginalized.


As we witness intentional deception and the suppression of truthful information by America's supposedly respected newspapers and television news channels, false narratives dominate the headlines. Global media competitors now engage in coordinated attacks, using psychologically crafted misinformation to sway public opinion on political opponents and initiatives. The semblance of fairness and impartiality has been replaced by overt prejudice and intolerance toward differing viewpoints.


In a clear violation of First Amendment rights, social media companies employ suspensions and de-platforming tactics to censor individuals with dissenting viewpoints. Nations in Action possesses several proprietary tools and methods to expose false claims made by journalists and media outlets. It is imperative to restore unbiased and comprehensive reporting free from sensationalism or political agendas.


For We the People to keep our elected officials accountable, media must be:


  • UNBIASED: Truthful, accurate and prioritized reporting uninfluenced by advertisers & owners.

  • UNOPINIONATED: Present ideology neutral facts and investigate corruption; end intolerance for values and virtues;

  • EXPOSE: Prevent financial ownership to influence, expose corrupt reporters and crooked politicians; end government funding to media and internet platforms.


To remove the special interest from polluting the media and restore journalistic integrity, Nations In Action urges the implementation of the following solutions so potential wrongdoers understand they will be exposed:


  • Ownership, Grants & Board Transparency

  • Ban All Government Funding

  • License Revocation for Propaganda

  • Conviction for Planned False Messaging

Transparent Government
Trustworthy Politicians
Transformative Parties
Truthful Media
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